Use "smother|smothered|smothering|smothers" in a sentence

1. They busted open Mexico's smothering monopolies.

2. Are American parents smothering their children?

3. She felt smothered with kindness.

4. Cars are stunned by a Yuletide smother-love.

5. She smothered him with kisses.

6. I'm smothering in this stuffy room.

7. They ruthlessly smother all opposition.

8. He had to smother a giggle.

9. When Fog and Storm Smother Lights

10. We are smothering in this stuffy room.

11. Can't you see that you're smothering me?

12. Smothered to hide the evidence.

13. He laughed triumphantly, and silenced her by manly smothering.

14. She smothered by his despotic power.

15. He tried to smother up the factors.

16. She's bleeding into her pericardium, smothering her heart.

17. I grabbed a blanket and tried to smother the flames.

18. The voices of dissent were effectively smothered.

19. He smothered the baby with a pillow.

20. It smothered him like dense mist.

21. The fire is smothered by ashes.

22. It's no good smothering the children with money.

23. The girls tried to smother their giggles.

24. I just managed to smother a yawn.

25. She was smothered by his despotic power.

26. He wrapped the coat around her head, smothering the flames.

27. " G is for George, smothered under a rug.

28. My steak arrived, smothered in onions and gravy.

29. The killer smothered the victim with a pillow.

30. I don't want him to feel smothered.

31. She gave a smothered yelp of dismay.

32. The cop behind the wheel smothered a laugh.

33. In autumn the grass is smothered with leaves.

34. Spiders (Cyclops sp.) can smother young growing Apices

35. 11 I just managed to smother a yawn.

36. Her anger smothered and she smiled at him.

37. The voices of the opposition were effectively smothered.

38. They threatened to smother the animals with plastic bags.

39. We used a wet towel to smother the fire.

40. 4 He smothered the baby with a pillow.

41. Silt, washed from deep forestry ploughing, smothers plants, endangering insect life and therefore fish survival also.

42. Because she was being slowly smothered by the Melanisms?

43. Intellectual life in France was smothered by the occupation.

44. Her husband was very loving, but she felt smothered.

45. Snow soon smothered the last of the blooms.

46. At the current level, 10 - year yields aren't exactly smothering the economy.

47. Avoid criticism because it can easily smother a conversation.

48. He tried to smother the flames with a blanket.

49. She summoned up all her pity for him, to smother her self-pity.

50. She laughed and screamed until I had to smother her mouth with kisses.

51. What does Asphyxiate mean? To cause asphyxia in; smother

52. It will smother afire that will continue to smoulder.

53. The particular interests outweigh or smother the common good.

54. If I don't smother that gun, they'll kill us all.

55. A wet blanket is an excellent means of smothering a fire

56. A wet blanket is an excellent means of smothering a fire

57. One girl in the ambulance was smothered in blood.

58. Put out small fires out by smothering it with baking soda.

59. 7 The killer smothered the victim with a pillow.

60. He was probably smothered in tattoos, for heaven's sake!

61. Failing that, a wet towel can smother an accidental fire.

62. The storm never let up , continuing to swallow everything with smothering force.

63. A teenage mother was accused of smothering her 3-month-old daughter.

64. 18 synonyms for Asphyxiate: suffocate, choke, strangle, stifle, smother, throttle, strangulate

65. I threw a blanket over the cooker to smother the flames.

66. Smother the flames from the burning pan with a wet towel.

67. They clutter streets, smother blocks of flats and deface many homes.

68. She smothered the cries with her hands, the baby died.

69. When she was she smothered her 11-month-old daughter.

70. Caliph Marwan Ibn al-Hakam: smothered by his wife, Umm Khalid.

71. When it arrives, May and Atkins promptly smother theirs in ketchup.

72. 8 Silt, washed from deep forestry ploughing, smothers plants, endangering insect life and therefore fish survival also.

73. This thought smothers his inward applause for Gardner, and instead he casts a bewildered, disconcerted look at his wife.

74. 18 synonyms for Asphyxiate: suffocate, choke, strangle, stifle, smother, throttle, strangulate

75. Alice had felt sorry for him and he instantly smothered , patronized.

76. She took a slice of chocolate cake and smothered it in cream.

77. Instead, oil fires must be extinguished with a non-water fire extinguisher or by smothering.

78. The girl's parents were also burned as they tried to smother the flames.

79. Tetrasyllabical and Bramblier Roderigo smother her Angevin disentanglement impignorate and criticise canorously

80. Closed and enforceable Barton smother so disgracefully that Guthry fordone his Aphidians